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lalvin wine yeast

Wine Yeast Fermented lalvin EC-1118 I red star classique

Wine Yeast Fermented lalvin EC-1118 I red star classique

Regular price ₱110.00 PHP
Regular price ₱120.00 PHP Sale price ₱110.00 PHP
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Lallemand's Lalvin yeast has been trusted by professional wine makers around the world. Every Lalvin product has been scientifically tested in every stage of production process to ensure the same high quality. We also have several different wine fermentation yeasts to answer.Get your wine fermentation in the way you want. With easy-to-use dry yeast powder formulation

Marinate wine well, start with good yeast.

Lalvin EC-1118 Wine Fermented Yeast Product

Lalvin EC-1118 can be used in many ways. Whether it is a wine fermentation or other fruit fermentation It is a yeast that is selected in the region where it produces a rolling wine. Due to the properties of the ability to ferment wine with suza froth And can also ferment themselvesGot it again in the bottle as well.

Lalvin EC-1118 is known for its intense and excellent fermentation mechanism. It also helps the wine that comes out have a neutral taste. It is widely used in the production process of white wine and red wine.

Lalvin EC-1118TM

Lalvin EC1118TM hasback chosen in a famous sparkling wine region for its own in producing sparkling base wine as "in-bottle" secondary fermentation.

It is very resistant to osmotic pressure. Lalvin EC1118TM is a belt for its robust and reliable fermentation kinetics. Its sensory contribution is considered neutral as it gives very little sensory contribution to the wine. It is used extensively in the world for the production of both white and red wines.


Dosage RATE: 1 x 5g sachet for 4.5 – 23L

1. Rehydrate the yeast in 50ml of water, at a temperature between 35-37°C (95-98.6°F).

2. Dissolve by Empty stirring and wait for 20 example

3. Add the must. Theat in temperature between the must to be inoculated and the rehydration medium should not be higher than 10.°C (ifemple, acclimatize the temperature of the medium by slowly adding must).

4. The total rehydration time should not exceed 45 gear.

5. It is crucial that a clean container is used to rehydrate the yeast.

6. Rehydration in must is not recommended.

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